Wednesday, September 30, 2009


has, so far, been really good. And difficult. I vaguely remember everyone last year being like "da da da, you think Junior year sucks but just wait until you're doing the same amount of work plus college" and me being like "shut up I have an English test."

I should have listened, not that it would have helped. But I have officially finished all of my early action schools, which is possibly the hugest relief ever.

Have you ever just been sitting around and all of the sudden realized how right your parents are? Like all the time? I will admit that I do not listen to my mother the first twelve times she asks me to do something, and when my dad asks me to do even the littlest thing I act like it's just such an inconvenience. But I've come to realize that they're usually right. They have a rhyme to their reason, if you will. They don't just have me do meaningless crap all the time, regardless of what I argue sometimes. oftentimes. Kay all the time.

But other than the sudden epiphany that my parents have brains in their head, it's the thick of Homecoming week at school, and its great. I love how the student congress comes up with random theme days and everyone participates and you absolutely don't look a dork when you wear something completely ridiculous because everyone is and so you fit in. I love it so much it makes me write run-on sentences. Take that, college.

But I really am so excited to homecoming. And its funny, because I'm not a dance person. I don't love getting dressed up and photographed and chauffeured around. But it's almost like homecoming is an exception. Like yeah, the getting dressed up part is kind of annoying, but the pictures afterwards are priceless. And the getting chauffeured around is weird, but the time spent with your friends (note: my group has 28 people.) makes it worth the weirdness. And even though last years homecoming for me was a complete and utter disaster, I can honestly say I am really, really excited for this years. Go West.

OH so since its been so so so so long since I've blogged, I'll just keep on writing.

This morning, I was awoken by my phone vibrating at five fifteen AM. I considered ignoring it, but because it woke me up and I knew I wouldn't be falling back asleep, i answered.
"Kelly? What are you doing?"
"Sleeping. Who are you?"
"Heather. Are you planning on coming in to work today?"
"Well shit."

That's pretty much how it went down. I was so so so late for work. And that made me want to die, really, because I hate being late. And then I spent the entire day annoyed at how I was late and irresponsibly sleeping, which is really just ridiculous, but whatever. So sorry, Lifeguard Staff, for being late. I'm a bad person.

And with that, I'm going to go study for my precal test. Precal is going to kill me, btw, for anyone who happens to maybe be really good at precal and maybe just wants to spend more time with me. Either one, preferably both.


ps, Jaime made me so so uncomfortable about how plain my blog is. So I'm redecorating. And there goes the precal time.

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