Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Do you ever people in the cars around you? I keep finding myself doing that.

I've always been entirely too empathetic. That's why I don't see movies- because I leave feeling like I've either just watched my dog die or my husband cheat on me or the world explode into a thousand pieces and regardless of the genre I leave the theater feeling like I'm out of place in my own skin.

But back to the point. I've been noticing people a lot. And its always really baffled me how there are six billion people in the world (ish) living lives completely unrelated to mine, and I'm just a QUARK (smaller than an atom. google it) on the eye of a needle against the endless backdrop of the universe. But that isn't even really what I'm trying to say.

What I mean is that every single time I'm at a traffic light or stop sign or just not watching the road, I wonder about everyone in the cars around me. Who are they? Do they like ranch dressing? Do they read Shakespeare? Do they prefer paper or plastic? And I just sit there and stare, and they're probably scared I've caught them subconsciously picking their nose but I didn't, so they shouldn't worry. I just want to understand them.

Today, for example, as I was waiting to turn into the Tom Thumb parking lot to get my flu shot, there was this boy a little younger than me in the passenger seat of a white Mazda. And because of my staring, we made eye contact. And I wanted, in that very second, to know him. I wanted so badly to just park my car, walk over to him, and be like "hey, I'm Kelly, and you look like you have a story."

But of course I didn't. Every second I'm not vaccinated against the flu is an opportunity for infection. And his car drove away. But maybe one day we'll meet again at that intersection and we'll be fast friends. Or maybe I'll go to sleep tonight and tomorrow I'll "meet" someone entirely new to think about.

But white Mazda boy? We really had something special. We could have been great.

So other than that, all of my early action schools are finished! Party. (Party in the USA: one of those songs that I'm so embarrassed to love)
TACT performed at Juvie on Monday, which was fun. I love TACT performances, even when I complain the entire way there to anyone who will listen that I just have so much to do that night. It's usually a lie. But I did miss Gossip Girl...

the newspaper came out today! my very first by line- well officially. Jaime wrote a story about blogging and called it Blogspiration, which was a personal achievement as that is one of my favorite words. But I couldn't be interviewed because I'm on staff, so I just read it and wished that I could scrawl "" across the bottom of every paper. Not really. It's okay if no one reads this.

So that's that. I'm about to take Michael to get ice cream. Even though its freezing outside. When I took a walk after school I could wear my North Face. It was so good.


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