Friday, January 9, 2009

"the day i hit a bunny is the day i stop driving altogether"

the above quote came out of the mouth of Nicole Katherine Turco, AKA number four. you're welcome. ha she's sitting on the computer next to me quoting my blog to me. creepy? nah.

alrrriiiggghhhttt so i got my new phone in the mail. Her name is Francine, and she's very pretty. im sure that soon she'll be as battered as Al was. oh, Al, i miss you.

so right at this very second, Rachael (number five? maybe.) is reading off of the facebook group page that lists every single lie that mr.grizzle has ever told to his classes. they're hilarious. "was once pulled over going seventy on the tollway...on a bike." that sounds pretty legit to me...

so Kevin (5), even though we arent dating anymore, we can still be friends, and talk about Danielle. She still hasnt rejected us, which is insane. who doesnt get on facebook every day? im on facebook every second of my life. oh well.

nicole. nicole.nicole.nicole.nicole.nicole.nicole.nicole.nicole.nicole.nicole.nicole.nicole.nicole.nicole.nicole.nicole.

there you go.
TACT tomorrow! im so pumped.

okay, CTR, y'all. bye

"btdub nicole, a sentence usually ends with a period."

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