Friday, January 16, 2009

One Minute Writer

What is the last thing that made you laugh out loud?

i would have to say the last conversation i had with Alex made me laugh out loud, like the real kind. it started innocently enough, but it quickly moved to "nazis are also mass produced in Germany, little known fact." to "hi there aheh he he he he he. Today im going to look at *texas accent* your vagina! aheh he he he he crumbcakes". which actually wasnt even a fraction as creepy as it sounds because he was only pretending to be Linda from TACT. and thats actually exactly something she would say. oh linda fyffe, youre my favorite.

so this week was basically characteized by the crazy conversations ive been having with Megan Neligan. i love her. she is BY FAR my favorite freshman, and my favorite freshman i mean favorite person in general. so hi, megan neligan, youre great.

thats really all thats gone on this week. long weekend! im so pumped. and GIRLS NIGHT TONIGHT WITH MASON AND CHLOE which will be awesome. sorry boyfriend, for stealing her for the night. we have a lot of...catching up to do. with eachother. and only eachother. no one else. no visitors from out of town. just me, and mason, and chloe, and some quality mexican food.

well im going to go clean my room. not.


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