Friday, January 23, 2009


AKA, eff my life. because all i basically did was make things up. i've always wanted to do that- just make up an entire FRQ, complete with names and dates and battles and locations and everything. make it sound really legitimate and awesome, but in actuality i made it all up. today i wrote my entire intro, and then i re-read it and realized it sounded like something out of my blog. so i erased it. in my experience, teachers love writer's voice- but i have more of like, a writers scream, so if i write the way i want to write it sounds ridiculous. whatever, i got it under control and hopefully i didnt fail. hopefully.

right now im watching Wizards of Wavely Place, and im feeling crazy jealous. i wish my dad had been the most experienced wizard in his family, and therefore passed his powers to me and my siblings. life is so unfair.

i have to work tonight, which suckssssss. but then i have TACT tomorrow, so thats exciting. im such a loser, but i'm embracing it.

ill write something deep and thoughtful tomorrow, maybe. or not.


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