Wednesday, March 4, 2009

One Minute Writer

If your walls could talk, what would they say?

if my walls could talk, i'd never go into my room. they'd probably verbally abuse me for covering them in musical posters (from my theater years. dont judge me) and honestly, they'd probably berate me also for the state of my bedroom floor at all times. i went to get my jeans patched up (because no kidding, my two favorite pairs of jeans ripped in the same week. then i got them patched. the first time i wore both of them again, they ripped. fml) and the woman gave me hangers, and i gave them back. i just informed her that my clothes dont go in my closet, and i therefore dont need any hangers. like, my desk doesnt mind if they're folded. neither does my floor, or my trundle bed, or my bathroom sink area.

alright well i was planning on writing more, but now my dad is telling me i need to clean said room. so...that sucks.


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