Saturday, June 13, 2009

Blog Block

Apparently, I have one. Because every time I've opened this to write the last three days I haven't been able to. And while normally I'd blame it on the fact that I haven't been doing anything, that's not even the case.

Austin was fun. We basically just learned about the utter failure that sex education has become in Texas public schools, and how to change our school districts or communities. I find it hard to apply what I learned to PISD, though. I feel like if I walked into the headquarters and demanded to speak to the SHAC, they'd just send me back across the street to the mall. But a few well-intentioned emails can never hurt, I guess.

So other than that... I've just been having sushi left and right with Claire, which is always an experience. And life guarding, which I love. But TACT starts Tuesday, so I cant wait for that. Actually, I'm going to go fix my entry about TACT so everyone will leave me alone. TACT obviously does not perform abortions. Pardon me.

So that's that. Trite, trite trite. I apologize.


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