Saturday, December 13, 2008

Do You Ever

think about something that happened, and then imagine how different everything would be if it hadnt? for example, if we didnt have a dog, i would have to vacuum a lot less, and my dad wouldnt spend all his time talking to her (the dog, obviously). or, if i hadnt moved to Texas, id be friends with totally different people (which is a funny story, if i've ever told you about my Witch friend). or, most recently, if i hadnt been so, so excited to get to SAT class today, i wouldnt have knocked my door into the car next to me, leaving a long yellow paint smear, and therefore i wouldnt be grounded. again.

but to be totally honest, being grounded isnt all that bad. it gives me an excuse to be the complete homebody that i am. and it keeps me out of trouble ( which is the point. way to go Parents, mission accomplished.) the one thing it doesnt help me do is study. but thats fine, i dont study when im ungrounded anyways.

so this week in a nutshell: complete and total hell. i dont understand why teachers feel the need to assign useless projects. like the four and a half hour long Gettysburg film for APUSH. did anyone actually understand that movie? all i could pay attention to was their facial hair. so for any guys out there: if your face isnt visible behind your beard/goatee/mustache/sideburns, you arent hiding your unattractiveness. you're just gross.

in other news, i had TACT today for the first time in about a decade, which was really fun. (shoutout to megan who apparently reads this. hi, i still dont like you) we made cookies of eachother. well thats what we did for the twenty minutes i was there. i dont even care that it took me longer to get there than i stayed. i miss everyone whenever i dont see them, which is strange, since all my other friends i dont really think about when i havent seen them in a while.

so thats pretty much all for right now. when i think of something else random and "pointless" (watch it, Alex. we both know how deep of a thinker i am), you'll be the first to hear it.


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