why i hate SAT Class.
10. the only person i know is my cousin.
9. the teachers try to be funny.
8. two hours of math is my personal hell.
7. we arent allowed to text message.
6. instead of feeling more prepared, i just feel stupid.
5. its two hours every single day of my winter break.
4. every student in my class is akward, so we dont talk to each other.
3. i hit a car in the parking lot, and now that boy is in my class everyday.
2. the rooms are ugly and small.
1. we get homework, and we are for some reason expected to do it. i dont even do homework at REAL school.
and that sums up my winter break thus far. but its okay, because hopefully ill be hanging out with the coolest people ever on new years, and hopefully allie and kimberly can come, too. HA jk k&a, you know i think youre cooler than everyone else.
the secret word of this blog: underwire. good luck saying that without sounding awk...
kay. go read allison's blog. we're tight.
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