Friday, December 19, 2008


So i was re-reading my blog, creepily, and i came to the conclusion that i need to chill the hell out. so here is a list of why this week didnt suck that bad:

  1. it was winter for about a day, and it was fantastic.
  2. my tire wasnt actually flat, it just needed more pressure
  3. i found my French book in the choir room no more than thirty seconds before i was about to buy a new one
  4. i got to have lunch with nicole and rae and jarvis and mr j.
  5. i GOT to pick up Hannah Zima from random ass bookstore
  6. the invisible children benefit concert was (is) so good!
  7. continued: i have the most talented friends ever
  8. i got to spend basically the entire day with allie and kimberly, which doesnt happen. ever.
  9. i got to play hangman with Nadia for like half an hour
  10. William taught me a new game i can fail at. but it was still fun.
  11. im getting my haircut tomorrow
  12. Nicole Turco finally gave me comprehensible directions when i was lost in East Plano.
  13. i got Michael's christmas present. and even though i've decided that my little brother definetly needs to be made over into a Jonas Brother, his present is still pretty cool.
  14. i made like eight new CDs
  15. i was able to think of fifteen good things in one week.
  16. make that fifteen: Cosmo used the word "crazed", and it was awesome
  17. sixteen: kimberly's little sister's friend's dad sent out fake christmas cards where he photoshopped a picture of a family's child in with lots of people they didnt know, and then sent out said card to all the family's friends. it was awesome.

and im sure i could come up with more, but im thinking i should sleep for the first time in like a week. which surely means i will not sleep at all.

peices, g.

-kellie phyne


Anonymous said...

that is not how you spell pieces.
you used the number fifteen twice.
But I love you anyway and i'm going to read your entire blog like a creeper and you're going to like it! :)


kfine said...

allison nicole hollander, I cannot believe you made a guest appearance on my blog. in our eight years of friendship, I have never been happier